It was my wife’s birthday recently and as is often the case it was a challenge to think of a present for her. Not only does she not drop hints but she insisted that she did not want me to get her anything for her birthday. That of course would not do so I decided that it was time for me to act on an idea that I have kicked around for a while now.
I have wanted to make her a small jewellery box for ages now and had some wood that I though would be nice to use. I just could never quite decide on a design for it and kept coming up with complicated ideas. This time I decided to just settle on a simple design and get on with it.
This is the final product, the main wood used is cocobolo wood that started out as one inch thick but that I re-sawed to get a better thickness, of 3/8 of an inch, and also be able to get a four corner match on the grain. Even at just 3/8 of an inch thickness for the wood the box is remarkably heavy. The dividers are made from some ebony off-cuts that I was able to pick-up for a good price several years ago.