Well October has come and gone in the blink of an eye so it is time for an update. I really have not had much shop time in the past month. Between working too much and being sick with a cold for couple of weeks my opportunities to get into the shop have been limited. I did get a couple of walnut bracelet/bangles made and finally put some finish on a few birch wood goblets that I made a few months ago so that is something. I was also asked for engraving on a couple of objects that I co-worker purchased from me. One was a maple travel mug and the other and acrylic pen. I found a local trophy shop that would do it for me and while I am fairly pleased with how the mug came out I don’t think that the engraving on the pen stands out enough. Still it’s a learning experience and since I don’t like working with acrylic and don’t often use it I think it will still be a good option for most of the things I like to make if anyone requests it in the future.
I have committed to doing a craft fair at the end of November so hopefully I can find a bit more shop time in the next few weeks. I have a list of a number of items I would like to make but I know that I won’t get to them all. For now I think that I will focus on making some Christmas ornaments since I have wanted to make them for a couple of years now and the season is approaching. This is the link to the craft fair http://www.portcoquitlam.ca/Dynamic/Page6481.aspx .