An apple for teacher!

I’ve been a bit busy with other things lately and have not found a lot of time to be in the workshop. I have managed to come up with a few things though.

First up is an apple for teacher. I am taking course at the local university and noticed our instructor expressing disappointment on twitter that he had not received any apples from his students. It might be best if he does not try to bite this one though since it is made from birch wood that was then stained red.

I also made these little containers recently for work. We needed something to hold some binder clips that we use and lately we are just using some improvised containers. These are a little rough but I think that they will be better than what we are using now.

Before the last two days that I had booked at the Green market I thought that I should have some lower priced items for my inventory. These spurtles and honey dippers are fun and simple to make and filled the need nicely.

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